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Once you have confirmed with a doctor that your child has a food allergy, MOCHA recommends that you take several steps right away:

  • Find a highly qualified pediatric allergist in your local area.
  • Consider seeking out one of the national food allergy education, awareness, and advocacy groups! Visit our Resource Page for links.
  • Join MOCHA, sign up for our ENEWS newsletter, and stay up-to-date on the latest resources and food allergy news.
  • Consider medical identification jewelry; visit MedicAlert for medical identification jewelry and services or other medical ID companies.
  • Get trained with the epinephrine auto-injector (EAI) of your choice. Learn about the current types of EAI’s available today at the Kids with Food Allergies Living with Food Allergies webpage about current epinephrine choices.
  • Create a Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan with your doctor and distribute it to all who care for your child.
  • Read ALL food and body product labels at least three times before giving products to your child. Everything that goes into your child’s mouth or touches their body should be scrutinized. You can never be too careful. We suggest reading the labels at these three points:
    • AT PURCHASE: Read first at the grocery store before purchasing the item.
    • AT HOME: Read again at home before placing the item in your pantry or refrigerator.
    • AT MEAL TIME: Read again before serving your child. Read it when you feed it!
  • Gather as much information as possible about your child’s particular allergy. There are many food allergy books to help you get started.
  • Visit MOCHA’s Resources, where we manage our curated list of Helpful Links for our food allergy family.
  • Begin educating your family, friends, and community about your situation.
  • MOST IMPORTANT: Always check with your doctor about the information you receive online or from friends. If it sounds too good to be true, it very well may not be true.
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